IMessageBus not working for all platforms


We’ve been running 2 projects that have a Receiver and a Sender for the IMessageBus, both work just fine from Windows to Windows. Now, in testing this platform on a MAC and iPhone we noticed it didn’t work so we conducted tests cross platform to see what works and what doesn’t. Below is a list of platforms that don’t seem to connect together.

Windows → Windows works
Android (7.0) - > Windows works
Another Android(7.0) - NVIDEA SHIELD → Windows doesn’t
iPhone → Windows doesn’t
Mac → Windows works
Windows → Mac doesn’t
iPhone → Mac doesn’t
Android → Mac doesn’t
Mac → Mac works

Since there isn’t an abundance of updated documentation on the IMessageBus we did implement it with the info we found online on the forums, and we got this to work just fine on Windows → Windows with some updates to the code since new releases. Is there any reason why this wouldn’t work from one platform to another?

In addition to this issue, we found that when you build the receiver or controller into a built project(Shipping, Debug Game, Development) that it loses any connection, where the Windows(built) Receiver or Windows(built) Sender won’t get or send any messages.

EDIT: Ran Wireshark and there is no UDP messages being sent from a build project. there is from a PIE or standalone.


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