I'm having issues with 2 things, Packaged Level Actor and Objects disappearing form Viewport on build

When I compile and run the game in the viewport, my Package Level Actor’s all get “hidden” and they have no shadows. When I try to build the level before running, or if I try to build lighting only, they disappear from viewport but are still in the outliner and only reappear when I select an option in details.

What setting does this?

Before running

While playing

After attempting to build

My other problem is with the Packaged Level Actor.

I made a Packed Level Instance(Prefab) in my level. When I made the prefab, everything worked how it was meant to, but in the tutorials I followed, other users were able to drag in actors from the outliner into the Packed Level Instance BP and then commit changes while editing. For some reason my static meshes are grayed out and I am not able to select them to drag in to my prefab? Has there been a change in editing prefabs?

I’ve attempted a few things for the past hour and I don’t know if this is a bug, or if I did something wrong here.

I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful, but I’m also having this issue on another project. Posting to track and see if anyone provides a solution. I’ll post here if I find one.

Thanks, I made another post since I thought i may have posted this question in the wrong spot and got responses immediately, However I believe the issue is a bug with UE 5 at the moment. It’s even worse on 5.1.

Here are the links to the other threads.

buuuump, packaged level actors buggy for me when I add anything other than meshes, Trying to get landscapes and blueprints to work to no prevail. Landscapes only work on level instances when I re-add them.

This seems like a pretty major bug to me, is there anyone we can notify about this?


If you set GenerateMeshDistanceFields=true, you must build all, not just build lighting only