Ive been building my game and now it is time to start building levels. I have made meshes in 3ds max and have imported them to ue4 and once I hit rebuild lighting my meshes went black. is there something that I need to do to get light back into the meshes again. here is a pic of it. you can see the white mesh is a floor mesh from the ue4 standard content. I have looked on youtube for tutorials but they are buildings and the landscape plane. This is a Dirt Race track that was built in 3ds max
I think I found the problem. I had to add a blueprint to the meshs and set them to moveable. when they are set to static they revert back to the black colour. which is ok but I was planning to set the level variables in the level blueprint, but I’ll just reference each blueprint in the level blueprint now
Sounds like you don’t have proper lightmap UVs on your objects. Switching them to moveable causes them to be lit dynamically, which does not require lightmaps. However, this will give you lower quality lighting at higher performance cost.
I would recommend looking into the way Unreal handles lightmaps instead.
,Arnage is totally right. You should have at least 2 sets of uv maps and make sure one is reserved for light maps. I think you generate a light map uv inside the mesh editor. Doing that should allow you to set your mesh as and a proper light on it.