I had the same problem with UE5, in my case it was even worse: actors were disappearing from the world until I restarted my editor (or changed the map).
I solved it clicking Verify on my engine version, I don’t know if it’s your case but it’s worth trying.
Where did you get this material from? Is it from a tutorial?
I tried to replicate it and I have the same error in UE 4.27 (So it’s not an Engine issue)
But the material is explained in this other tutorial (Minute 5:31)
Yes, now I know that the motor works correctly… But I do not find that it is failing in the material… Even applying the material directly to the actor nothing happens…
Look at this
I think it’s a coordinate problem.
Inside the actor the cube disintegrates around an invisible sphere that is at the point 0,0,0
I think the world is the same… the invisible sphere that is at the point 0,0,0 of the world.
But the cube is too far away (wherever) and that’s why it doesn’t disintegrate…
At least that’s my theory
I still haven’t solved the problem… I hope that’s it
Yes, in the end it was a problem of coordinates… The material seemed not to work because the sphere was at the origin of the world and the cube was too far from the radius of action of the sphere.
Thank you very much for your effort to help me Ares. Very appreciated!!