I can't engage in matchmaking in the private version. It might be related to the deletion of BP_Audio_PA_Actor.

I can’t match on my private island anymore. I’m suspecting it might be due to deleting the BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C2147482646 file, which I removed because of a UEFNValidation error. What could be causing the inability to match in the private version? When I get a matchmaking error, it shows error code 208. How can I restore the deleted BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C2147482646 file?

Error Code in UEFN
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Sounds/Apollo/Biomes/PA_Announcements/BP_Audio_PA_Actor.BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C, Referenced by:Content/ExternalActors/ULtimateheroFFA/9/7J/WUO1JWI7QC4RFPG9EQ02NZ.uasset, Plugin mount point:/ULtimateheroFFA.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Actor (BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C2147482646) of Class (BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C) referenced Disallowed Object (/Game/Sounds/Apollo/Biomes/PA_Announcements/BP_Audio_PA_Actor.BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C)
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Sounds/Apollo/Biomes/PA_Announcements/BP_Audio_PA_Actor.BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C, Referenced by:アセット リストは以下を参照してください, Plugin mount point:/ULtimateheroFFA.
UEFNValidation: Error: /ULtimateheroFFA/ULtimateheroFFA.ULtimateheroFFA:PersistentLevel.BP_Audio_PA_Actor_C_2147482646
LogValkyrieSummary: Project ULtimateheroFFA failed to update
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: ULtimateheroFFA - Failed to validate for upload
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Upload → Fail Activity: UploadProjects

Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums ? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: https://create.fortnite.com/news/using-the-creative-and-uefn-bug-reporting-form

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