I cannot create a C++ Project

When I try to create a c++ project i get the message

The project could not be compiled. Would you like to open it in Visual Studio?

Running C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.10/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe cpp_4101 Development Win64 -project=“C:/Users/Hayden/Documents/Unreal Projects/cpp_4101/cpp_4101.uproject” -rocket -editorrecompile -progress -noubtmakefiles -2015
@progress push 5%
Parsing headers for cpp_4101Editor
Running UnrealHeaderTool “C:/Users/Hayden/Documents/Unreal Projects/cpp_4101/cpp_4101.uproject” “C:\Users\Hayden\Documents\Unreal Projects\cpp_4101\Intermediate\Build\Win64\cpp_4101Editor\Development\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -rocket -installed
Reflection code generated for cpp_4101Editor in 4.9577675 seconds
@progress pop
Performing 7 actions (4 in parallel)
[3/7] Resource ModuleVersionResource.rc.inl
[2/7] Resource PCLaunch.rc
C:\Users\Hayden\Documents\Unreal Projects\cpp_4101\Source\cpp_4101\cpp_4101.cpp: error C4599: ‘/IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE’: command line argument number 228 does not match precompiled header
C:\Users\Hayden\Documents\Unreal Projects\cpp_4101\Source\cpp_4101\cpp_4101GameMode.cpp: error C4599: ‘/IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE’: command line argument number 228 does not match precompiled header
C:\Users\Hayden\Documents\Unreal Projects\cpp_4101\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\cpp_4101\cpp_4101.generated.cpp: error C4599: ‘/IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE’: command line argument number 228 does not match precompiled header
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Users\Hayden\Documents\Unreal Projects\cpp_4101\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-cpp_4101.dll
Total build time: 57.75 seconds

I can create blueprint projects fine, and I have VS 15 with c++. Please help :confused:

You need to be signed into GitHub with an account that’s been linked to your Epic Games account.

An alternative to building the engine from source is to downgrade back to Update 2. The comments on this question give you information about how to do that: Build Failed with VS 2015 update 3 - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

the github link in the accepted answer returns a 404 page

I’m sorry to keep asking, but I’m inexperienced with this stuff. Now that I have the folder I downloaded from github, where do I put it? Thanks for all of this so far by the way!

You can put it wherever you like. The following information is basically from our getting started section of the readme: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine

You need to run Setup.bat to make sure you have all the third-party data, and then GenerateProjectFiles.bat to create the UE4.sln. One this is done you just open up and build the UE4 project in Development Editor, Win64.

You’ll then need to go and run {yourpath}\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe to make sure that your custom engine is registered, and then you can change your existing project to use it by right-clicking on your .uproject file, choosing “Switch Unreal Engine version…” and picking the correct entry for your custom engine.

the .bat files won’t run for me, they just kind of indefinitely load :confused:
I looked around on google, and I have no idea what I’m doing wrong

All of this setup should be covered in the Official Epic Tutorial on C++ “Batter Collector”. I can’t even get past the first step of compiling the code and it’s supposed to be a beginner tutorial. Any chance you guys could update it?

Also for those who were confused, the “Downgrade to Update 2” comment is for Visual Studio not UE4. I was really confused by this.

Why is it that Update 3 is the version that installs when you choose to install from the Editor Menu?