HW raytracing support enable drop performance even if it's disabled in level

BLACK MYTH WUKONG, SILENT HILL 2… more and more UE 5 games have the option to disable HW raytracing and the performance are improved, so the solution is there somewhere…
so why in my shipped game using the console command disable all the hw raytracing but doesn’t improve the performance?

I’ve got 2 identical build games: one with hardware raytracing support ON

and one without

the HW raytracing run at 20FPS :

the SW raytracing run at 45/50FPS:

the HW raytracing build have an option to disable the hardware raytracing in game by the command line:
r.RayTracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects 0
r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing 0

so in theory if I disable the HW raytracing in game should have a similar performance of the non HW supported version, unfortunately it’s not like that
the command lines works correctly because I can see the difference in the GI and refl and visually match the SW raytracing build but the performance stays the same,

what I miss here?

Still try to understand why disabling the hardware raytracing in runtime doesn’t give me the same performance of a disabled build version , is anyone can help me understand? is it related to the shader compile?

BLACK MYTH WUKONG, SILENT HILL 2… more and more UE 5 games have the option to disable HW raytracing and the performance are improved, so the solution is there somewhere…
so why in my shipped game using the console command disable all the hw raytracing but doesn’t improve the performance?

The console commands for enable and disable are:

  • r.RayTracing.EnableOnDemand=1
  • r.RayTracing.Enable=1

thanks Tella
I know this forum is very hard to have answer so I really appreciate :slight_smile:

should I add all of them to my setting menu like here or should i made a change in the engine.ini

because I was wondering why most of the games mentioned above they need to restart the game to get it work?
again thanks for your help

oh nevermind i found that info in the link you post it
i’ll give it a try at the next packaging. thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Awesome the performance are way better! just one thing, the command line are super instable in runtime I use the trick to applied at the next restarting game on my option menu and it works great :slight_smile:

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