Howto Use Matrix Houdini Building Generation

  1. Place the folder HoudiniEngine inside your project /Plugins/ThirdParty folder. Add and enable the Plugin inside your uproject file (the main project file).

“Name”: “HoudiniEngine”,
“Enabled”: true

  1. Copy the corresponding /Content folders from the City Sample into your project:
  • /Building
  • /Map/Environment
  1. Open a project with buildings for the UE5 “City Sample” (Matrix) project, i.e.
  1. Open a map which contains Houdini Buildings, i.e.
  • /Building/NY/Kit_Bldg_NYA
  • /Map/Small_City_LVL
  1. Select a Houdini Building Asset, i.e.
  • City_Building_Generator
  1. In the “Instance Window” select all Building Instance Mesh Components → Right click & Copy

  2. In a second UE5 project place the City_Building_Generator (Houdini), select the HoudiniAssetComponent → Past the copied mesh instances.


(post deleted by author)

i am trying to find the Bldg_Module_Template but i cant find it any ideas or could you upload it somewhere so i can download it TIA

Those are not visible in Unreal Editor (use the Windows Editor).

Select the Unreal Migrate feature (often selects not required files), look closely and check which folders may include the missing files.

Where to get City_Building_Generator, where this file is located, it’s not clear at all…

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