How to use instanced static mesh to spawn objects

I have a XML file (for each level) that hold information where certain element/objects (Together creating sort of a path to in the game) should be placed in a Level/Map. They contain a element type and and a vector
The files contain info of about 3000 objects, and therefore i cant spawn them as regular actors due to performance issues.

I want to bulk spawn them, to reduce the drawcalls. I’am reading the xml files with unreals the with XmlParser.h, This code has no blueprint.
As fare as i have understood the

  • Instanced Static Mesh Component
  • Hierachel Instanced Static Mesh Component

are used to spawn static mesh in a bulk. But i dont understand how i used them in c++.

How do i spawn these element from c++ ?

Background of game. User select a level/map from a menu level. Game goes to a “Map Viewer Level” which should read the selected xml file and setup the statics meshs according to the information.