First of all, the numbers of polys you push through rendering depends on what kind of setup you use. It’s always best practice to keep your poly count low wherever you can.
That beings said:
It’s very advisable to make UV maps for as much as you can. Keep in mind that the more complex the UVs the longer it will take Lightmass to compute lighting for them.
Of course! You can set your actors to Movable (only dynamic lighting) or Stationary (dynamic + static lighting). Bare in mind that there will be a performance hit if you are lighting hi-poly objects with a lot of dynamic lights.
If you can optimize your meshes without losing too much information, that’s great! Less polys = more performance.
Hello everyone, I’m making Arch-Viz VR Demo where are many cars parked in the garage. I have downloaded hi-poly cars models, they look good in the 3D program (I use Cinema 4D) looks good, but has many polygons, some basic materials, I need to place them in VR, so my questions are:
Should I make UV mapping for this crazy heavy hi-poly mesh? I can generate auto-unwrap crazy UV maps.
I was thinking what if disable them from light cache? How to do it? Can I keep these cars just like the 3d object without baked lighting and keep only dynamic lighting? Good idea or bad idea for performance?
I have tested already, but still not sure, I have imported Hi-Poly mesh with car, looks good in general, viewport in Unreal works fine seems like no problem, so I go to Model editing window - looking for LOD0 and there instead of 100% quality (1.3 millions of triangles) I reducing it to 20% it’s about 100-200 triangles which is fine for me. What do you think about this techniques?
My idea in general - Import hi-poly car to Cinema4D auto generate uv maps, at leats something, then save the model and import it in UE4 and optimize LOD0 to 20% quality and use it. Is this right way to do it? These cars will be static, there is no much interaction with them, maybe some car would be cool to be able to open doors and look inside.
Thank you for your help, currently, I having a super hard time trying to make UV over a hi-poly model, this process is super slow and not really well done because I have to use auto-mapping. Then I try to reduce polycount with Reduce LOD0 %, I hope it helps, but it breaks the model sometimes.