How to use FinishLatentTask()?

HI, everyone. I’m having problem to set a task’s EBTNodeResult from InProgress to Succeeded. I made the AI move to a location when the AI is too close to the player.

EBTNodeResult::Type UBTTask_MoveBack::ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent & OwnerComp, uint8 * NodeMemory)
	AAICharacterController* AICon = Cast<AAICharacterController>(OwnerComp.GetAIOwner());
	FVector AILoc = AICon->GetCharacter()->GetActorLocation();
	FVector NextAILoc;
	if (AICon) {
		UBlackboardComponent* blackboardComp = Cast<UBlackboardComponent>(AICon->GetBlackboardComp());
		AActor* playerKey = Cast<AActor>(blackboardComp->GetValueAsObject("Player"));
		FVector minAndMaxDistance = blackboardComp->GetValueAsVector("minandMaxDistance");
		NextAILoc = AILoc + (AICon->GetCharacter()->GetActorForwardVector() * -1 * 200.0f);

		//x Distance between AI and Player
		//float deltaDistance = FVector::Dist(AICon->GetCharacter()->GetActorLocation(), playerKey->GetActorLocation());
		UKismetSystemLibrary::DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), AILoc, NextAILoc, FLinearColor::Red, 5.0f, 10.0f);


	return EBTNodeResult::InProgress;

But the problem is the Task stays InProgress. Is there anyway to set it to Succeeded when AI reached target location? I found out the FinishLatentTask(), but I dont know when and how to call? Please help, I’m a noob.

The structure on the code is screwed up a bit because I was desperate trying to figure out how to fix it lel.

Never mind, I separate the tasks into 2 BTTaskNode, one for Calculating Next AI Location another one for Moving there