How to use an animation rotation as the character rotation


So i’ve made an animation for a metahuman that does a 90° turn left or right to have a clean transition, but the animation litterally rotates the character (its not just an animation in place), i want to keep that last frame as the rotation of my character, is there a parameter for that inside anim bp or do i have to code that ?

Thanks in advance

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Hey EarthCK!

Have you taken a look at root motion? This might be what you’re looking for.

I’m not sure exactly the use case where you want your character to rotate in animation but not actually have the rotation updated. Perhaps you can explain a bit more what you’re trying to achieve?

Hi thanks a lot for your answer,

actually I did my research and good news: root motion is exactly what I meant

bad news: it is not working on my character

I have these parameters :

image (inside the animation)

image (inside the character blueprint)

But the character just play the animation without moving
(like this :


The root does move when enablerootmotion is unticked:

So if you have any idea of what the problem is thanks in advance

(or maybe I should make another topic ?)

Hey again Earth, I’m gonna reply here to keep things in context (rather than replying to this thread). In general try to keep stuff in the same thread if it’s the same problem - it’ll make it a lot easier for someone else with the same problem as you to find a solution if they can read the whole thread.

I’m no expert on animation, and most of what I’ve done with respect to root motion I’ve handled on the C++ side. Using SkeletalMesh::ConsumeRootMotion.

From my personal experience and the playback from your anim window - it doesn’t look like the Enable Root Motion is playing correctly. (Again this is only based off of my experience)

If you take a look at the turn animation from our game, with root motion enabled the animation plays back super weird in the viewport.

Additionally, from the clips you’ve shown, the portion of the animation that is playing when you’re using the animation “in game” only plays the first foot movement? I’m not sure if this is how it’s being played all the time when you’re not getting the result you expected - but if you are only playing that part of the animation you can see that there is actually no change in the root until the second foot lifts up. If you are only playing the first foot portion in game, it would explain why you’re not getting any movement, since there doesn’t seem to be any.

My bad, ill keep that in mind,

The video i posted is with the root motion disabled to show that the root is moving because it was the issue for some people that had the same problem, but when it is enabled it looks weird like you say lol :

And to answer you last question, the 2nd part of the movement is just subtile, but the animation is playing fully, i am sure because when i disable root motion, it plays the full anim and then go back to the original rotation/position

Solution here, thanks for your help @anonymous_user_e623e467 for your help in this post

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Hey, glad you figured it out. Not used metahuman myself so am unfamiliar with what the exports are like. Thanks for posting a link in this thread as well to help out anyone who runs across this as well!

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