How to Transfer Post Process

Anyone know how to make a post process material appear in other levels? Even adding a different post process box and material in the new level seems to do nothing.

Perhaps you have the new post process volume extent set to only it’s bounds?

Try setting Infinite Extent (Unbound) on the post processing volume if you want it to span the whole level.

Thank you for responding. It spans the whole level it just doesn’t carry over to new ones but I found a solution to my problem. Instead of using a new Post Process Volume I copied the one in the main level with ctrl+c then pasted it into the new level with ctrl+v. I assume there’s some setting in the template version that isn’t present in the base actor that allows certain processes to happen but I’m in crunch time so I don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of PPV so this solution will do for now.

Hey there @ZonsLIVE! Is it possible there is another PPV taking priority? Does rebinding the material in the PPV details have any affect?

I’m not entirely sure what you mean exactly by binding but I’ll get back to you when I get the chance to test it again if I can figure it out. I made a blank level so there was no PPV aside from the one that I placed in there. I assume there’s an additional step to get the PPV to display on the level but I’m new to game dev so I’m uncertain.