In project-settings/Platforms/Windows/[Targeted RHIs], if I set only SM4(DirectX10)(for example) checkbox to on (others are off), but it seems to run on SM5 (on windows).
I think, it should run on one of the enabled RHIs in project-setting[Targeted RHIs], shouldn’t it ?
Here is repro steps: (UE4.17.1)
create new C++ project from BasicCode,
save map,
in project-settings/Platforms/Windows/[Targeted RHIs], set only SM4(DirectX10) checkbox to on (others are off),
[Cook Content for Windows],
toolbar[Launch](on this windows device),
then crashes with dialogbox [The global shader cache file ‘…/Saved/StagedBuilds/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/GlobalShaderCache-PCD3D_SM5.bin’ is missing].
(The crash is not the problem, I want to specify the game to run SM4 RHI (for example). )