How to solve "Not Found GameFeatureAction.generated.h" in C++ programe

When I was mimicking the Lyra for cpp development, a file including “GameFeatureAction.h” threw an error saying that’ GameFeatureAction.generated.h’ could not be found.
I ruled out the issue of whether the plugin was activated or not, and compared it with the Lyra source code in detail, but it still hasn’t been resolved.
Finally,I created a new C++ class with parentclass “GameFeature” ,the problem was sloved.
But I still haven’t got its principle.

the issue is that you are using ObjectMacros for a struct or a class or an enum (USTRUCT, UCLASS, UENUM). This is used to make these available in blueprint. So you need to include the generated pre header in your header file:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "TheNameOfYourHeader.generated.h" // has to be the last include
