How to solve multiplayer client side lag while using Chaos Vehicles

I use ChaosVehicles UE5

When my game runs as a client the movement of the car feels laggy (while it is perfectly smooth when run as a standalone or server). As far as I understand the problem is the fact that ChaosVehicles does not come by default with client-side prediction of movement and lag comes as the move is only considered legal and shown when the server processes it.

How to solve this issue? I’ve tried looking into CharacterMovementComponent (where it is implemented) but it’s very complex and contains probably more than a thousand lines of code dedicated to this problem and frankly, I do not understand how to make such an implementation myself.

Where to start and how to do it?


I’d love a solution for this as well.


Yes, the issue is well known in this community. We need Epic to take action or create a tutorial that explains how to work around the problem.

Here are posts from other people on the same issue: