I am quite new to the unreal engine (and probably naïve to think that I could change the lighting so significantly), but I have an idea which may make it possible to give more ‘interesting’ (lifelike?) shadows.
I intend to make individual moving objects have different levels of blur on their shadow’s edges (depending on the shadow’s distance from the ground of course, but this probably wouldn’t be necessary in runtime). Is there some way to make some dynamic light sources only apply to some specified objects? And more importantly, how do I make individual dynamic light sources produce different shadow blurs?
To achieve this effect without making weird light artefacts, I would also need to have some light sources have no direct or indirect effects on the specified objects.
To clarify, I would have multiple different lights representing one light source, each with a different resolution and blur preset of shadow, and altogether only giving the effect of one light, but giving varying levels of blurred shadows on different objects.
In the perfect scenario, it would be amazing for each shadow to smoothly transition with adjacent ones, because then I could split one object into several parts, set a shadow blur preset for each part, and pretty much exactly simulate the edges of static lights. I realise that the edges of static edges aren’t the only thing that makes them better, and I also realise that the performance costs of this procedure would likely be very high, but I am likely to be working with only a few objects at a time, so it might still be manageable on a decent computer.
There is a similar question asked on this post:
which refers to ‘deferred lighting’, not actually explaining why this is a limiting factor.
I understand and write code (though nowhere near at the level of UE4 ), so if necessary, I would try (and probably fail) to change the engine such that this might be vaguely possible - although I will need a point in the right direction.
If that isn’t possible, is there any other way to make dynamic shadows blur as they attenuate?