How to replicate VR movement

I also needed this.
After a bit of research i found that the best is to send the data via rpc to the server, and let the server replicate.

someone on discord helped me clarify this. and also a friend who knows about it.

" Vaei: The absolute minimum information you need to send is Location and Rotation The usable minimum probably also includes Velocity and possibly Acceleration.
It would be good practice to compress the information in some manner also - possibly using an FFastArraySerializer so you only replicate what/when you need - after you have it working.
This should all be contained within a struct.
Then you send it from Client (Auth) → Server via unreliable RPC on Tick.
And the server Replicates this data with COND_SimulatedOnly. Client auth is very simplistic.

Vaei: … (about replicating variables). replication is server to client only. So the client must send the information in an RPC instead of using replication. But then the server can replicate that to all other clients (i.e COND_SimulatedOnly)"

edit notes:

  • use tick intervals to control the frequency.
  • you can tween things on the simulated proxies.
  • i found an issue with unreliable multicast rpcs and/or unreliable server calls. i can’t remember how i solved it. but was something with a setting (like setreplicatesbydefault or setreplicates, or setactivebydefault).