Hi, I’m using the P_Fire_Small from the Epic Marketplace asset Realistic Starter VFX Pack Vol 2 for my scene. It makes this popping & repeating glow around the fire even though its light_a is turned off, and only the fire_small_a is enabled inside the Cascade particle system. The issue doesn’t seem to appear on the cascade system viewport though. How to avoid this glow and just get the fire so it will look good with the separate practical lights I use to light up that area. Thanks!
Your fire is very bright and it looks like it’s driving some Bloom and Lens Flare. In your Post Process Volume you can completely disable those two effects to see if that’s the main visual issue. You can also play with Local Exposure to get more dynamic range and trigger those effects less often.
To get more to the source of the problem, you probably want to lower the Emissive values in the material of that particle effect. Giving a value of “0” should effectively cancel out all bloom and lighting contribution, but you will want to dial in that setting for your project. Ideally all the lighting in your project is in a consistent range and you can have consistent emissive values in materials. It’s easy for auto-exposure (or extreme exposure settings) to mask some of those issues.
Dialling down the bloom worked for me, Thanks for your comment. I’m a beginner in using UE, and I thought my scene didn’t have bloom since the method and intensity parameters were disabled inside the post-process volume. Just learnt how it works.
However, I ran into a different problem. The lights from the flames make weird flickering noises when an FG asset overlaps them like in this video.
It is a screen recording of the UE viewport, but it is present in the renders too, which is actually what I want to fix. The camera is placed on the ground, looking towards a statue in the BG through the grass. There are a bunch of candles in front of the statue. The lights from those candle fire are making those flickering bokeh-like artifacts.
But they are not supposed to be Bokeh since the camera focus is set to track one of the candle meshes, so the lights are always in focus. The camera aperture is set to f/2.8 and focal, 35 mm.
I assume it is AA which is set to 1×32 samples inside the movie render queue. Would you mind confirming it or helping me fix this issue?
Edit: I rendered with 2×32 samples. But the issue still persists!
Hmm, I haven’t had a problem like that before, so I’m not sure. I’ll point you in two directions though. You might try looking at "Responsive AA" in the material of the particle.
And also there’s the concept of “fireflies” with pixels that are too bright if you’re using raytracing. If you search in the console command bar you’ll find one related to “firefly suppression”. I think this is less likely to be your problem but could be.
I don’t think it’s strictly a sampling issue, since you wouldn’t be happy with it at runtime either, like you’re experiencing.