How do I setup the antialiasing on my particle?

Beam in the below images is setup with simple smooth ramp texture. Particle looks as expected when Anti-aliasing setting is Medium(Engine Scalability settings) but looks torn on High or Epic. How do I get around this problem?

That is due to TXAA failing to understand the erratic movement of the bolts. In your material you can enable “use responsive AA” to fix this.

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Thank you Arnage. It still has some artifacts going on but ton better than before. Let me know if there’s other AA settings I can mess with.

Actually as I look at it again it still looks degraded than medium setting in other angles even with responsive AA. Is there any other AA settings?

Sadly, not that I know of. TXAA is great when it works, but I have also encountered a number of situations where it failed quite ungracefully. I hope that will be addressed in future updates.

Temporal AA has some artifacts on fast moving translucent objects. There are currently requests to improve this.

Sorry for any inconvenience.