My client is connecting to the server by using APlayerController::ClientTravel(TEXT(“IP:PORT”), TRAVEL_Absolute);
On the server, I reject the client in AGameMode::PreLogin() by setting the ErrorMessage.
How can I access this ErrorMessage on the client side to give the info about the rejection reason to the user? How is the client notified that it was rejected (APlayerController::ClientTravel does not return anything and seems to be asynchronous)?
After a bit of digging through the source I found it, here is the delegate declared in Engine.h:
* Error message event relating to network failures
* @param Type type of network failure
* @param Name name of netdriver that generated the failure
* @param ErrorString additional error message
DECLARE_EVENT_FourParams(UEngine, FOnNetworkFailure, UWorld*, UNetDriver*, ENetworkFailure::Type, const FString&);
FOnNetworkFailure NetworkFailureEvent;
Now to listen for the event you have to bind it somewhere, for example in your custom game instance class: