I’ve been trying to figure this out for days, hopefully someone here can help me out. I have to make a lot of lights like this. I need a crisp hotspot and looking at it from the side I can see a foggy outline of the whole spotlight cone. Its great. The crisp shadow the pillar throws is lovely and important for gameplay.
The issue is that I only get this result with raytracing on. I have to turn it off to utilize GPU lightmass and CPU lightmass always looks like butt, so I really don’t want to go back. Here’s what it looks like with raytracing off. I need to eliminate those reflections.
It gets very confusing with multiple of these lights in a space and the exact position of the light is very important for gameplay.
If anyone knows a way to prevent specific lights from contributing to screen space reflections my problem would be solved. Turning SSR off in my post process makes the environment look awful and a middle ground is very hard to find.
Other suggestions for how to approach this are also helpful.
Things I’ve already considered:
Mesh cone, not spotlight - won’t allow shadows without too many expensive traces
Adjust Min Roughness - setting doesn’t exist in v4.26 (does this setting remain hidden deep in code?)
Crank up Soft Source - doesn’t stop screenspace reflections across the walls, only pinprick reflection of the light source itself
Just go back to CPU lightmass and turn on raytracing - that is admitting defeat and also lighting is very difficult and I will struggle for the rest of this project in every level to make anything look decent.