So, I have an asset of a subway that is amazing, and I want to animate it. But it is separate in a ton of meshes, so I merge them. It works fine, but the lightning does not make it, and I have to remake it, which would take hours. Is there a way to merge meshes and lights, or do I have to do it all by hand?
Thx for your time and sorry if I wasn’t clear enough, english isn’t my first language
Hi TomatoLauncher8,
Merging all those assets into one mesh is probably not the most efficient way to do it.
You’d be better off creating a “Prefeb” like Blueprint from the Subway - that will also include lights and any other Blueprints too…
You can do that from the editor with :
Or you can go further and use a plugin such as rdBPtools which is very good at creating Prefabs, that’s on the marketplace.
It Worked Thanks!!
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