How to match up same objects over the network instead of replicating them

I’m generating map based on seed (same on each client) in certain radius around each player, so when one player goes forward, new chunks are generated and spawned, and the others behind are destroyed, if there are no other players around. I think the replication of each object will use a lot of bandwidth.

So is there a way to match up objects that I spawn on the client with the ones which I spawn on the server so that the network knows they are the same, instead of replicating them? Or maybe any other way to connect runtime generated map over the network

When the server spawns a replicated actor it isn’t replicating mesh, fx etc. It sends base data about the actor. Class, transform and any other replicated variables.

The client then spawns a local copy using the passed data. So If I spawn a cube mesh actor on the server it’s not compressing the mesh and sending that to you. Just BP_Cube, at this location.

You should read the Networking Overview.

Several common features of Actors, Pawns, and Characters do not replicate:

  • Skeletal Mesh and Static Mesh Components
  • Materials
  • Animation Blueprints
  • Particle Systems
  • Sound Emitters
  • Physics Objects

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