How to Manually build plugin for android platform?

I can build a plugin for Windows by using RunUAT BuildPlugin -plugin="<path/to/plugin.uplugin> -package="<output path>" in UE 5.4, and I can see the .DLL inside Binaries\Win64\. But when building the same plugin for Android, it didn’t generate any .SO inside Binaries, I found ELF files only inside Intermediate\Build\Android\UnrealGame\Development\ and Intermediate\Build\Android\UnrealGame\Shipping\, is that normal? I tried to package the apk and install it on my phone, but the plugin doesn’t work.

You can change your uplugin file to something like this: {
“FileVersion”: 3,
“Version”: 1,
“VersionName”: “1.0”,
“FriendlyName”: “Piramix Framework”,
“Description”: " Framework for Piramix Backend Requests",
“Category”: “Piramix API”,
“CreatedBy”: “Piramix”,
“CreatedByURL”: “”,
“DocsURL”: “”,
“MarketplaceURL”: “”,
“SupportURL”: “”,
“CanContainContent”: true,
“IsBetaVersion”: false,
“IsExperimentalVersion”: false,
“Installed”: false,
“Platforms”: [ “Windows” ],
“SupportedTargetPlatforms”: [
“Modules”: [
“Name”: “PiramixFramework”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “PreLoadingScreen”,
“PlatformAllowList”: [
“SupportedTargetPlatforms”: [
} but change Win64 for Android

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