How to make sure objects with little mass don't knock over objects with a lot of mass?

when I pick up objects using the Physics Handle, they don’t seem to respect the mass of the larger object. I’m not sure how to solve this.

here the Physics Handle settings:

It does make sense because it’s not the mass of the object knocking things over but the movement / rotation of the player’s pawn holding it. It would make sense that when you bump into something, you shouldn’t be able to push them or you should stop moving in that direction.

I remember some checkboxes for “physics interaction”, probably on components, on the character movement component or on the character mesh. Try disabling physics interaction so you don’t push things when bumping into them.

Second way of handling it is similar to how physics on grabbed objects work in Half Life 2. Something you grab might not push something else but may get stuck in a position even if you walk away. Then when you are X meters away just automatically drop what you were holding?

the problem persists even if I deactivate or change some value, the solution of dropping the object at a certain distance is already implemented

It’s not clear what values? If you already disabled physics interaction on your character it shouldn’t move things around when walking into them. I don’t know any other setting affecting the physics handle itself on this without diving into the code.

There are related posts:

How to disable physical interaction of attached Actor on player back?

How to remove Character physical interactions - #3 by STRiFE.x

Possibly you could disable physics interaction on the actor you are holding through the handle as well. In my grab system when I hold an item I must also ignore the collision of what I’m holding so I can walk around without being blocked. Ignoring collision can be set up from actor to actor.