How to disable physical interaction of attached Actor on player back?

Video Showing the bug:

I have been trying to fix this bug, where my bag (the thing on players back) with “Ragdoll” collision is hitting and pushing actors/object with “Simulate physics” enabled.

I tried attaching the object within the player as component to component as well as attaching it as separate actor to the mesh component but it did not change anything.

other things already tried:

  • messing around with player movement component physics values.
  • Messing with the back bag actor physics values.
  • Enabling and disabling simulate physics of the bag as well as the character.
  • change the simulated physics object mass to as max as possible (had zero effect).
  • Changing the mass of player and bag (no effect).

Only solution so far:

  • making the bag (the thing on player’s back) overlap - (not the solution am looking for)

Current Blueprint:

Have you tried “Set Actor Enable Collision” node ? Or is it something you would consider not to be a solution as well?