How to make object as a light source with translucent/additive blend mode?


This is my 2nd week of using UE5, and as my first practice project I’m trying to do a re-creation of Porter Robinson’s dullscythe’s MV where it plays around with a lot of environmental lighting. The MV was also made with UE.

dullscythe MV

The MV plays around a lot with a shape that emits light by changing its shape and opacity.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make my shape glow with translucency, but I could never figure out how to and I’ve also tried to google out some solutions but no one seems to have ever made a post relating using an object as a light source with a translucent blend mode.

I also don’t want to use the Bloom effect with a Post Process Volume as I want the lighting to affect the environment around the shape.

Translucent blend mode

Masked blend mode

So, is there any way to use a mesh with a translucent blend mode as a light source?

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