How to limit Chromatic Aberration (post process volume) to only around the viewport edge?


I have chromatic aberration enabled in a Post Processing volume. I’d like to have this effect applied only to the edges of the viewport, mimicking glass or a mask’s hard edges.

I’ve tried adding a Post Processing material to the Rendering Features of the Post Processing volume but this hasn’t changed the volume at all. Here is the blueprint I’ve tried:

Any thoughts appreciated!


Did you set the volume to ‘infinite’?

EDIT: I don’t think that material is up to it, actually…

You need to lerp between the plain view and affected view using a circular mask.

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I have the volume set to ‘infinite’.

I’ve tried lerping between the two views but the difference seemed very subtle.

Next I will try using a hard gradient material and control chromatic aberration using this, I’m not sure if it’ll be using post processing volumes however. I might need to setup a custom chromatic aberration.

Thank you

I think I just answered this here?


Brilliant! Weird coincidence, thanks for your help.

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