How do i make chromatic abberation.

I can’t find any tutorials showing how to create spherical chromatic abberation i think is what it’s called. i have a basic chromatic abberation but i want it to increase around the edge of a screen does anyone know how to do it…


With a post process volume

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I do have a post process volume and i already made a chromatic abberation effect but i don’t know how to make look normal at the center of the screen but look more distorted at the edge of the screen

kind of like this effect from Alien: Isolation

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By tweaking the start offset


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I forgot to mention that i’m using a material for the post processing so how do i do it in materials here is how i did my chromatic abberation effect using materials


You can use a sphere mask ( or some code which masks the central area of the screen ) to lerp between affected and unaffected. But what’s wrong with the supplied one?

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Thanks I now finally know how to do it. And there was nothing wrong with the supplied one i was just curious and wanted to know how to do it using mats, And again thanks.


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