How to light a closed off intirior

Hi Dagaumph,

You can refer to my old post about this here:

(Copy pasted from the link)

You can tweak your singular point light to light up a larger area by doing this:

  1. Place a point light in the center of the room, or wherever you want it to be

  2. In the Light tab, set the intensity to 1

  3. Extend the Light tab, and untick ‘Use Inverse Squared’

  4. Lower the Light Falloff to ~2

  5. Increase the Min Roughness to above 0.5 (This gives a nice look to the lighting with these settings)

  6. Now you can just play with the attenuation(and intensity by degrees of 0.1) to fill the room with light as you see fit

That might be a problem with your lightmap on your meshes.

Refer to this link and let me know if you still have issues after

I’m try to light a room that is completely closed off from the outside. I’ve tried a lot of things, but they don’t turn out very well. I’m going for a laboratory like feel. What lighting techniques can I use?

Here’s the room I’m trying to light. It’s pretty reflective.

It works! Thank you so much!

Hold on… When I build the lighting, everything goes black. Whats going on?

Thanks for your help!