Hi Julio,
I know you sent me a PM with this, but for the sake of helping others as well I’m posting your questions here with follow up answers.
Ive tried importing the fbx as one
mesh, and as separated. But when i
import them as one mesh, and try to
apply materials to a wall or floor,
the material applies to all of the
project because it is just one mesh,
and im starting to think that the
reason are the UVs, im not familiar
with them, because when i import, an
error appears that the UVs are
The reason you’re getting UV overlapping is a couple of reasons. The biggest reason is that the UV channel is being used as the lightmap (where shadow information gets backed for static meshes). If you’re materials are looking OK you can make your Directional Light and any other Movable which will make them dynamic and not need to bake any shadow information.
If you want crisp shadows that are baked and provide zero overhead during run-time you’ll need to created a second UV that can be used as a lightmap. The key here is that any mesh geometry must stay within the 0,1 UV grid space.
I’ve not used Revit before, but I know it doesn’t really use any convential UV setups.
I’ve suggested in the past for those who don’t have access to UV tools in their programs to use Roadkill UV because it’s easy enough to use, there are tutorials to get started, and it’s FREE! (Link Here) Video Tutorial to get started.
Im not trying to get that deep into
this engine, i just want to build
several blueprints to turn on or off a
light, open and close a door, build
some landscape, the house, some
furniture, etc. And also when i try to
import furniture there are some issues
with the UVs.
If you’re only concerned with doing something as a visualization and not focusing necessarily on game play then using Dynamic lighting may be your best bet, at least with getting started. This will negate the need for lightmaps and a second UV that is causing the Overlapping faces warning you’re seeing.
Is there anyone you know that
specializes in architectural
visualization who can help me out
here? I want to be able to do
something like the “photorealitic
rendering” example.
There are quite a few ArchViz guys on the forums doing some really cool stuff that could probably give you some pointers more so than me.
Here are the users and their Forum WIP posts:
CodeCode: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?32817-MY-First-attempt-arch-screenshot
Koola: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?28163-ArchViz-Lighting
HAI: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?32072-Archviz-Villa
Ganeshp: [Some of my first architectural visualization screeshots in unreal engine 4 :) - Architecture - Epic Developer Community Forums)][6]
This one is especially interesting in that he has done a lot with Blueprints and interaction with the scene:
Fafareis123: [Architecture realtime - Architecture - Epic Developer Community Forums][7]
I hope this all helps. I know it’s a lot and if you have any questions feel free to post here and I’ll help out where I can!
[6]: Some of my first architectural visualization screeshots in unreal engine 4 :) - Architecture - Epic Developer Community Forums)
[7]: Architecture realtime - Architecture - Epic Developer Community Forums