I found the function UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation
but I don’t know how to use this function.
I’d like to create Animation Sequence without Import Option Dialog.
Here is my code:
TArray<FAssetData> SK_Skeleton;
AssetRegistry.GetAssetsByPackageName(FName("/Game/SK_Skeleton"), SK_Skeleton);
USkeleton* Skeleton = Cast<USkeleton>(SK_Skeleton[0].GetAsset());
FName AssetName = TEXT("Anim");
FString PackagePath = TEXT("/Game/Anim");
UPackage* Package = CreatePackage(NULL, *PackagePath);
FString FileName = TEXT("F:/SK_Anim.fbx");
UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* Data = NewObject<UFbxAnimSequenceImportData>();
UAnimSequence* NewAnim = UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation(Skeleton, Package, Data, *Filename, *AssetName.ToString(), true);
What about the ImportData?
The imported asset is not correct.
(Import button)
please help, thank you.
I think it needs to mark package dirty after your code.
// Update notice
And then you had better create UnFbx::FBXImportOptions object and initialize options before calling UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation.
Please refer to UFbxFactory::FactoryCreateBinary in FbxFactory.cpp.
thank you very much.
I added the above code after my code and create FBXImportOptions.
(refered to ApplyImportUIToImportOptions in FbxMainImport.cpp)
I got the correct info.
always thankful for the help.
December 13, 2018, 6:05am
Hi tsqp
Code snippet in your question is not quite clear that how you import FBX animation from disk in c++? I couldn’t find a way to do that. I too don’t know how to use UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation(…) function. Can you please help me with that?
hi Vinayaka_P
You should create UnFbx::FBXImportOptions object and initialize before calling UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation(…) function.
I attatched sample code.
Please check it out.
I wish for your help.
link text
December 13, 2018, 7:35am
Thanks for detailed code.
May i know how you managed to get UnFbx::FFbxImporter
I tried,
including FFbxImporter.h
file → got unresolved external symbol error as in this post
modified project.build.cs file to include FBX → didn’t help.
From this post i came to know that i should modify engine code. Should I?
Engine version i’m using is 4.19
Here’s another post i looked into
hi Vinayaka_P
Try including FbxImporter.h.
not FFbxImporter.h.
and then
UAnimSequence* NewAnim = FTosFBX::ImportAnimationSequence <= function in attached file
SkeletalMeshActor->GetSkeletalMeshComponent()->AnimationData.AnimToPlay = NewAnim;
Please do your best.
I also have some questions about how to create skeleton mesh runtime from fbx file.
I hope your help.thanks
hi, longshensanjie
try this code
UFbxFactory* factory = NewObject<UFbxFactory>(UFbxFactory::StaticClass(), FName("Factory"), RF_NoFlags);
UPackage* package = CreatePackage(NULL, TEXT("/Game"));
FString filename = "fbx file path";
bool canceled = false;
factory->ImportObject(factory->ResolveSupportedClass(), package, FName("SK_Mesh"), RF_Public | RF_Standalone, filename, nullptr, canceled);
do not forget including “Factories/FbxFactory.h”
and you can access fbx options like this