Please can anyone refer to example which demonstrates how to get reference to StaticMesh socket in drop-down same way as editor does it without spawning that mesh as my data is data only object?
I have custom DataAsset class that should hold up properties for spawned object and load this class as needed based on location in content folder. What I would like to have is pull socket information about StaticMesh from content browser and then reference that sockets as UPROPERTY in editor to speed up and simplify asset setup as my data type should point to that socket locations and later on this data should be used post-spawn to setup my actor class properly.
I’m looking in a way how to help myself with setup. I know I can still make FString property and write full socket name there but I’m thinking if this could be done in a more elegant way eg: like on SpringArm component. I looked into source of this classes but so far it does not make much sense to me what is going on there. I see some functions to retrieve sockets and some struct that hold information about it.
I’m not sure if I use same structure as UProperty that it will be available in cooked game.
Does anyone have experience with this?
In short I’m searching for way how to setup my data with socket names in unreal DataAsset builtin editor (target is my custom DataAsset derived class) without prior spawning target mesh. This information should live only in my DataAsset and I should be able to ask for it without need of searching for target socket by string (slow).