How to get nav mesh bounds volumes covering the whole surface on a tile map ?

Hi everyone !

I am trying to make a quick prototype of a 2D top down game.

I use a tile map, and I set a nav mesh bounds volume on it to allow my AI character to move to some locations in the map. My issue is the nav mesh bounds volume does not cover all the area where the character is supposed to move on.

Now I will try to give more details to provide a better explanation of what I have done:

  • I am using UE 5.2.1
  • My tile map is on the XY plan, the Z vector is the normal vector of the tile map.
  • My tile map has 3 layers, for ground, walls, and objects. Ground layer has the default collision tickness value set to 1, and walls and objects layers override it with a value of 100.
  • My characters are Paper 2D Characters with a capsule component with half height = 7 and radius = 7.
  • On the following picture we can see there is a space of 32 cm between two walls, and my player character can go through this space without any problem, but not my AI character because of the nav mesh bounds volume.

What I tried:

  • In Project Settings, Engine, Navigation Mesh, in the Generation section, I set Agent Radius and Agent Height to 7. It did not change anything.
  • In the RecastNavMesh-Default object put in my world with my NavMeshBoundsVolume, I also set Agent Radius and Agent Height to 7. It did not change anything.
  • In Project Settings, Engine, Navigation System, in the Agents section, I added a new agent with the name “Default”, I set Nav Agent Radius and Nav Agent Height to 7, and I enabled the Can Walk property. Then, in the the World Settings, in the Navigation System Config section, I set Default Agent Name to “Default”. My NavMeshBoundsVolume covered more surface, but it is still not enough, and I get the result you can see on the picture.

As you can see on the picture it did not solve my issue, and I do not really understand why, there is something I missed, can someone help me please ?


Ok I found the solution, so if someone have the same problem, the answer is the cell resolution !

It can be set from the Project Settings, Navigation Mesh, Generation section, or from the RecastNavMesh-Default object in the world, also in the Generation section. In the Nav Mesh Resolution Params, changing Cell Size and Cell Height in the Default resolution allowes the navigation mesh to find path in the tightest paths.


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