Hello, how can I get scene with only lighting & shadows from the material editor?
I saw that there is a way to view it from the editor’s viewport, but I cannot find it inside the material editor.
sorry for bumping…
Hi NicolasDe,
If I’m understanding you correctly you will want to use one of the visualization options available in the editor viewport > Viewmode.
You can change the viewmode to the look at specific things here. In here you should find what you’re looking for.
I’m trying to find how to get lighting and shadows scene inside the material editor as a node.
P.S. , it’s the second time when you do not read my question…
Light and shadows are already provided in the material editor viewport without changing the viewmode. This is why there is confusion on my part.
You can hold L and move the light direction around. Some of the same visualizations are available, but this is limited.
You can use the “Lighting Only” view to see only light and shadow. Same as the viewport.
EDIT: These options will be available in 4.8 for the material editor.
No, I think you don’t understand me. I need lighting and shadows scene as a NODE in material editor to use it in my material. I’m not asking how to set view mode.
If there is a way to see “lighting and shadows scene” in viewmode, there must be a way to use it as a NODE.
There is no node for this.