How to get higher fps with VR?


I’m trying to higher my fps using the oculus rift. I’m loading a level with about 20 lights in it at ‘beginplay’. The framerate is 12-22 fps.
I read that getting rid of nvidia experience might higher the framerate (posts of 2016). I don’t notice a major difference on that.
I also read that some newer driver versions are not yet supported. Yet I can’t find what the latest supported driver is for the 'NVIDIA gtx 980 ti. Is there an overview of the recommended driver per graphic card? link?

I also tried making the 20 lights static, instead of dynamic or stationary. That didn’t fix it.
Leaving all the lights out does fix the low fps problem.

Do these lights have an affect radius that I could lower? (Even meters away from the lights, the fps is low)
Turn shadows off? That does lower the effect of making my environment look more real?

What is the biggest fps-dropper when creating my lights?


It would be nice to have a fix and keeping the lights.

Thanks in advance

You can try using the gpu profiler it shows very clear what uses how much performance. It is a very good optimization tool.

I hope it helps

That helps yes !
lol, it’s not the light, it’s the shadows! -->edited: when I wrote this I used the wrong gamefile, the next comment shows that my Lights and my shadows are a problem.


To lower the ‘HZB’ thingy there doesn’t seem to be a fix yet?

although it says fixed: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-33448)

With my shadows on my lights disabled, my lowest fps is now ± 22 instead of 12-15. With shadows disabled, my lights still take 16ms
and… I have not mush shadows left >.< . realistic view got a bump.


I also removed the shadow from the sun… I still got ‘Shadow Dept’ -_- none of my lights has a shadow…!


What am I missing?

yes i also had the problem with the hzb but I dont know how to fix it