How to get gold collected to custom HUD while in vehicle.

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to display amount of gold to a HUD message or any other way?

I want to get gold collection numbers while in a vehicle. It will have to update frequently as coins will be collected and spent through multiple rounds per match and possibly dropped to share with team mates.

The built in display only does so while on foot. As soon as I get into a vehicle the specific HUD for that vehicle overwrites. I managed to get a HUD message to display text (0000) but am having difficulty ‘hooking up’ the gold read out to it.

Ignore size/placement of text I can fix that later.

Thank you for your time.

Hey OddButAwesome,

Have you tried a HUD Controller with highest level priority, maybe vehicle HUD is set to high priority and can be overriden.

Hi @Hardcawcanary :slight_smile: ,

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately that didn’t seem to work. I tried different combos with the HUD controller and/or HUD Message device with priority and layer #, but the vehicle HUD seems to completely replace any in built UI with its own.

I feel I may need to find a way to connect the gold to a text field in the UI widget as I have been able to get that to overlay the vehicle UI. Not sure how that works but I will have to dig about.

I was hoping it was going to be something like connecting this flag to the gold variable as thats the only thing I’ve been able to overlay ontop of the vehicle UI. But I dont know what im talking about.

I may end up having to use a custom currency (Ive seen some tutes but not looked at them yet) or they may lead to an answer.

I seen in the widget docs on text blocks that you can set the text with verse, maybe able to add a variable to the string, but if your like me verse is still a bit ??

You could possibly add a tracker that counts the collected event, the downside being it has a target value with the display 10/100, and having to hook all the item spawners to the event, but on the upside you could award xp from tracker completion and assign another tracker where the last one left off.

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