How to fix Xgen Hair tangents/ smoothing groups

On short hair when i look at it upclose in lighting only mode, the hair looks like the normals are hard and the tangents are broken. I tried reexporting multiple times with different methods and tested different settings in UE, also tried plugging in the tangets and depth from the hair attributes node to the tangens or the thangents or normals slots.
Nothing seems to work, when pluggi

ng in the depth into the tangents or normal slot it make all the hair look uniform but it still doesn’t match the skin lighting color for a nice blend,

have you found a solution to this? i seem to be having the same problem with short hair (peachfuzz)
is the problem present across all strands btw? For me some strands are fine while all the strands in a specific area are jagged.

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Sry for the late reply didn’t get a notification but no i found no resolve, it doesn’t look like Epic cares or looks at the forum, they didn’t even bother to update the alembic xgen script for Maya 2022 or to make it easier to use.