How to expand a collpased material result node?

I have two landscape materials. One (the left) has a collapsed result output node. I need it to look like the one on the right so I can add a landscape visibility mask but I am having trouble. I have tried googling and pushing every button i can find, but I cannot get it to reset. Thanks for any help.

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Use Material Attributes Checkbox in material settings.


If you right click material attributes wont an option to expand show up?

Right clicking just brings up a context menu to break or change connections. Thanks anyway

Thanks, this is the answer. Such a simple solution. Much appreciated.

I had the same question and found this solution here. My problem now is that I want to use Opacity Mask to make holes in my LandscapeMaterial. But if I click untrue on Use Material Attributes then the connection from before is not connectable. And if I at first connect my “Landscape Visibility Mask” on Opacity Mask and then collapse it again then it is not connected after collapsing again. I only can choose one of them. How to solve it? My End-Node is called “Blended Material”. It´s the Landscape Material from Epic´s Vehicle Game Tutorial from the Marketplace (called M_Landscape_SandRock").

Hello, did you find a solution to your problem? I have the same question and I can’t find an answer

*ALSO… be sure Clean Graph > Hide Unused Connections is NOT selected. This was the issue I had in addition to *unchecking "Use Material Attributes in the Details panel.