How to enable Shader Model 6 previewing?

Hello devs!

My GPU is a AMD RX570 Nitro+, which supports D3D12, but i can’t enable SM6 previewing even if launch the project with -dx12:

Preview Rendering Level Option:


Current RHI:


Is there a way to enable it or is this because my potato card limitations?

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If you have a SM6 compatible card, you need to change an option in the project settings.

Project settings>Search for SM6>Check the DirectX12(SM6 Experimental) option and you’ll probably have to restart the editor and let it recompile shaders. I haven’t tried it, but that should enable it for you.


It’s already enabled

Tried adding these lines to project’s DefaultGame.ini

But the previewing option is still blocked :S

Downloaded Microsoft DirectX Capabilities Viewer and looks like my GPU is compatible with shader model 6.6:


What build of Windows are you on? Right click the start menu icon>system>edition and version. You should be on 21H2 I believe.

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Edition: Windows 11 Home
Version: 21H2


It might be that it also has to support ray tracing as well or something like that. Or maybe they have to be DX12 feature level 12.1 or something. I’m sure someone else probably has the answer. I’d stick with SM5 for now though because 6 is still experimental.

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With an RTX 3080 I’m not able to use SM6
Windows 10 21H2

I’m not sure how to activate it …

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I have the same problem with shader model 6 in UE5.

It’s just disabled (grey color) in the same time, when I turn on it in project settings. (directx 12 (sm Experimental).
rtx3080 ti/windows 11

How to enable it???

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I also use 3080ti with win11 64, Can enable it.
have you tried it in a fresh new project?

i have the same problem, my gpu supports sm6 but i cant enable it

Anyone ever figure this out? Works fine on 5.1, but 5.0 no bueno.

I just had this problem and in my case the SM6 optioned wasn’t enabled (DirectX12 was). Once I did, it worked.
I’m running UE5 on a GTX 1060, yup!
For what it’s worth, here’s a screenshot of the two options.


Anybody every find a solve on this for UE 5.03?

Works fine in 5.1, 5.03 keeps being greyed out.

Nope, also would love to know.

I’m looking for an answer as well.

SM6 works for me with my old 2080 Ti.


I can confirm that the suggestion by @AngryParsec works.
If your graphics drivers have DirectX 12_2 support showing Shader Model 6.6 or higher (I had to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 to get past Shader Model 6.5, FWIW), and your Project Settings have the Platforms - Windows > D3D12 Targeted Shader Formats > SM6 checkbox already, then the problem may be the second option in their screenshot.

Targeted RHIs > Default RHI: must be set to DirectX 12. Leaving it “Default” makes the Shader Model 6 preview gray out.


sorry, I have to revive this: I have the same problem: Unreal 5.3.2 is telling me

Unreal5 Error

even though my Quadro M1000M supports SM6.5 and DirectX12 is up and running:

and the everything is enabled in the project settings

Have any news come up on this issue? Please help,
and thanks

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