I’ve looked in Build.h and ENABLE_STATNAMEDEVENTS and ENABLE_STATNAMEDEVENTS_UOBJECT look like they might enable it but when turning them on they result in compile errors due to objects not being found (some because STATS is 1 and some because STATS is 0). Haven’t been able to get the right combination of defines for this to work yet…
Hi! Digging up this topic but I’ve just run into the same issue so I thought I might share the solution I found.
In theory, starting the engine with -statnamedevents should display the object names in Unreal Insights, but it appears there’s a bug at the moment and the only way to get it is to run the command stats.NamedEvents 1.
Hope this helps!
Hey Tom, was there any other step involved besides entering that 1 command line? Im running Insights in the editor but never get the name of the blueprints or functions involved. Without that info it becomes near impossible to know where the cpu bottle neck are