How To Disable Realtime Raytracing GI and Reflections?

I have a project with Realtime Ray Tracing turned on. By default it appears that Realtime Raytracing GI and Reflections are turned on by default no matter what I do. I have no post process volume in my scene. I have no lights.

I have tested having 1 static light with all ray tracing features disabled. Same results.

I have tested having 1 post process volume that is enabled and infinite extents. I have tried manually disabling all Raytracing features. Same results.

I have tested having 1 reflection probe. Same results.

I have tested 100% baking all lighting. Same results.

I have tested with various console commands (posted below). Same results.

I have tested everything in the default Unreal Engine level.

I can’t find anything in the Project or Editor settings to turn off the GI and Reflections. How can I turn this off?
The below console commands don’t seem to turn off these features. They are always turned on and I cannot find where to turn them off completely unless I turn off ALL ray tracing features across the project but I do not want to do this. I want to use a hybrid approach of baking and using Realtime Raytracing.

r.RayTracing.Reflections 0

r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination 0

(Don’t seem to affect anything ^^)

What I ultimately want to do: I want to have my Skylight (Static) and Directional Light (Stationary) baked into my scene. For those two lights I want all Raytracing features disabled. I want all of my local lights to use Ray Tracing features. I do not want Ray Tracing GI. I do not want Ray Tracing Reflections. The only Ray Tracing features I want turned on are my local lights (Spot, Point, and Rect Lights). All reflections I want to be baked.
I have posted below a screenshot from the Stat GPU line showcasing that these two Raytracing Features are always turned on no matter what. This was made in the Default Unreal Engine level. In my actual level these come at a much greater performance hit (goes from ~60 FPS to ~30 FPS). I do not want them enabled.

did you try changing the .ini config file (with r.RayTracing.Reflections 0 and r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination 0 ?)

So that worked for removing Raytraced Global Illumination from the gpu stat line but not Raytraced Reflections. They still appear and are visually reacting in the scene. The following image is from the gpu statline in the Default Unreal Engine level. In my main scene the performance hit is much more significant and you can see the reflection “shimmers” that comes from low sampling count for Raytraced Reflections.

I set both values to “0” in the config file. However, I can still Raytraced Reflections happening in my main scene. I can still adjust the PPV sliders for Raytraced Reflections and can watch it smooth out the “shimmering” since it lacks enough pixels. However, I don’t want this effect at all. Or Global Illumination.

r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination 0 seems to solve the issue in the config but not r.RayTracing.Reflections 0. Am I missing something here? Project setting perhaps?