How to create river current trail effect?

Hi, I am working with Epic’s free [Water Planes][1] and I am a total rookie.

I am not interested in full dynamic water, but I would like to add some character and interactivity to the it.

I was thinking to add a foam outline around the parts of an object that intersect with the water plane. Any ideas where to start?

Since I am working on a river scene I also wanted to create a trail to give a sense of flowing water and current.

I know these are not inherit qualities of a material, but rather behavioural aspects of a particular surface, so I wonder where exactly I should script this behaviours and more or less how I would go about doing that.
[This person][2] is using a particle system to achieve something similar, but one problem was that once my character is out of the water he still triggers the particles to be created.

Any suggestion?

Here’s a representation of what I mean:

Sounds like you’ve already got it nailed apart from when the character leaves the water.

I think you might have your work cut out adding it to ‘water planes’.

What’s your trigger for starting the particles?

Is this what you are referring to? I come from Unity and a script like this is usually attached to an empty object but here it should be in level blueprint, right?

I think it’s only using the character’s location as it gets updated in time as a trigger. How can I have it so that it triggers when it intersect the plane?

Ok, yup, that’s not gonna work :wink:

Can I check, how long does the emmiter last for?

( and how much river is there? ie, can we easily put an overlap volume somewhere, or does it wiggle all over the level? )

Hi! You can find info there