How to create an auto detectable area between meshes

Hey there, I need an advice how to approach a certain idea i have.

I want to make a system that will auto detect and classified open areas between meshes, what i mean is for example i make a room with 4 or more walls and the system will know how to detect the space that is closed and for example name is “Section 1” + give it a material to highlight for debug purposes.

Later on, if i’ll place more walls or objects that will close an area within other area, the system will detect the the second section and call it “Section 2”, same vise versa, if i delete walls, the system will recalculate the space and will only present “Section 1”.

Now, conceptually i guess i’ll need a specific volume in which these calculations will occur and the system will know how to divide it.

any ideas how to make such a thing?

I have no idea how to do that, but… you might have some joy and with ‘nav mesh bounds volume’ , as you can see, it already knows this stuff:

Can you say why you want to do that, there might be a much simpler way to do things…

Thanks for the repley!
I’m making a big complex with lots of rooms (more questions will be coming later haha…), I gave the option to navigate the complex via FirstPerson and switch to “Free Mode” to fly around and inspect the complex using floor visibility filter system i made.
Now the purpose of my question is to make an option for the player (While in FreeMode) to hover the mouse over a certain room thus making the content (section) of the room highlight and provide some details (for example - room name, owner of the room and so on…basicaly call a widget).
I have hundreds of rooms in different sizes and modeling a specific shape for each and everyone of them just to give them this option is insane work, so i thought maybe there is a quicker way.

also, as for thinking about the future, the complex will go through renovations and rooms will change, therefore providing with an automatic “change” detection will be super useful :slight_smile:

hope you got the idea haha…

I think to do that kind of thing you’ll need to make the rooms / map procedural. In other words, programatically generated.

You can have a room BP to which you can specify basic parameters ( like who’s room it is etc ), and these would be picked up on mouse over ( I’m assuming in some kind of overview ).

True…procedural that it :slight_smile: but I have no idea how to work proceduraly this way.

and the Room BP with parameters is also true, but i’ll need to enter the “section detection” somehow into the blueprint so it will adjust to different rooms.

well anyway, thank you for the support! if you have any other ideas and tips (maybe about the procedural work?) i’ll be glad to hear…
have a great day!

Sorry I can’t be more help, but the idea is a bit vague at the moment. I know is has to be in the beginning.

But when it takes shape a bit more, maybe I can suggest something…

Thank you, appreciated!