- Unreal Engine 5
- Windows 10
- Protocol Buffers v3.18.0
I’m trying to decode serialized data in Unreal Engine 5 (c++) by using protoc
. If the message contains the value of int var less than 127 everything is okay. But if the value is more than 127 I catch the error: Failed to parse input.
syntax = "proto3";
package com.game;
message Player {
string username = 1;
int64 experience = 2;
Success case
C++ serialization and save to file:
com::game::Player MyPlayer;
MyPlayer.set_username("test user name");
MyPlayer.set_experience(127); // <-- PAY ATTENTION
// serialization
std::string MyPlayerString;
UE_LOG(LogGameInstance, Error, TEXT("Can't serialize MyPlayer to String"));
const FString MyPlayerFString(MyPlayerString.c_str());
// save to file
const FString File = *FPaths::Combine(FPaths::GameSourceDir(), FApp::GetProjectName(), TEXT("temp.dat"));
protoc --decode_raw < temp.dat
1: "test user name"
2: 127
Fail case
C++ serialization and save to file:
MyPlayer.set_experience(128); // <-- PAY ATTENTION
protoc --decode_raw < temp.dat
Failed to parse input.
I guess the problem occurs when I try to convert std::string → FString. Any ideas?
P.S: I tried to use macro: UTF8_TO_TCHAR and ANSI_TO_TCHAR but no result.