We’re trying to copy a bunch of painted foliage from one level to another, relatively similar one.
We already copied the Landscape object over but it didn’t copy the foliage with it.
Copying using Copy → Open other level → Paste does nothing.
We’re trying to copy a bunch of painted foliage from one level to another, relatively similar one.
We already copied the Landscape object over but it didn’t copy the foliage with it.
Copying using Copy → Open other level → Paste does nothing.
Alternatively, if there’s some way to export/migrate to another level, that would help too.
Hello Mothership.Entertainment,
I have indeed been able to confirm you are not able to copy specific foliage from one landscape to another. You can save the foliage instance settings and load/export that to a different project. This saves all the values you changed when painting in foliage mode with a specific static mesh.
When you are painting foliage on a specific landscape you are assigning those instanced static meshes to those specific locations and values. If I were to try and copy and paste the foliage to a slightly modified version of a similar landscape, the height values and how the foliage rests on the ground would be offset. It would take longer to fine tune those offset meshes than just re-painting the area with your loaded instance settings.
Thank you,
Thanks, Andrew. Seems like exporting all the foliage instance settings would take a while … I just copied the level with the foliage to a temporary file, copied in the additional actors I needed, and saved it over my level. It seems to be the easier solution.
there is still no solution in transfering foliage to different level i asume? im trying to get instanced foliage actors from one worldpartition level to another worldpartition level. kind of weird that such feature is not possible or am i missing something? (my stuff is comming from different worldcomposition levels in ue4 and need to be merged into one worldpartition level in ue5…i would think that this is a usecase that is quite common and essential for converting projects from ue4 to ue5)