So I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying to start up a dedicated server and connect multiple clients to it using .bat files but my clients aren’t connecting properly. I’m sure I’ve done something wrong, but again, the lack of documentation has left me clueless. The shooter example is less than helpful. Here is what I have. Hopefully someone can point out what I am missing.
“M:/UnrealEngine/Unreal Engine/4.6/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor.exe” “M:/UnrealEngine/Projects/Alpha/Alpha.uproject” Startup -server -log -debug
“M:/UnrealEngine/Unreal Engine/4.6/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor.exe” “M:/UnrealEngine/Projects/Alpha/Alpha.uproject” MainMenu -game -log -debug
My Startup is only ever loaded by the server and is used for server specific initialization then jumps to the Lobby map.
void AAlphaGameMode_Startup::InitGame(
const FString & MapName,
const FString & Options,
FString & ErrorMessage)
Super::InitGame(MapName, Options, ErrorMessage);
UAlphaGameInstance* agi = Cast<UAlphaGameInstance>(this->GetGameInstance());
if (agi && this->Role == ROLE_Authority)
void AAlphaGameMode_Startup::BeginPlay()
UWorld* world = this->GetWorld();
if (world)
The client starts up in the MainMenu map where, currently, the user enters and ipaddress( to join the host. When the join button is pressed, this function is called.
void UAlphaGameInstance::ConnectToHostLobby(FString ipAddress)
UWorld* world = this->GetWorld();
if (world)
//This should work in theory...?
APlayerController* pc = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
//UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(world, FName(TEXT("Lobby")));
UE_LOG(AlphaGameInstance, Log, TEXT("ConnectToHostLobby >> Connecting to host."));
pc->ClientTravel(ipAddress, TRAVEL_Absolute);
My Lobby level blueprint is as follows:
And the Player count rep notify:
When I start the lobby from editor with 2 players, it works as expected but my Startup map is never loaded and the initialization is never done:
But if I start both server and then clients, the server does the startup map and initialization but the clients are never notified of the player count change:
Here is what the server logged when connecting with client:
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:600][868]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server Lobby accept
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:600][868]LogNet: Open Lobby 02/01/15 14:55:11
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:604][868]LogNet: Added client connection. Remote address =
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:612][868]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server World /Game/Maps/Lobby.Lobby: Accepted
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:620][868]LogNet: Remote platform little endian=1
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:628][868]LogNet: This platform little endian=1
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:669][870]LogNet: Login request: /Game/Maps/MainMenu userId: Invalid
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:669][870]LogNet: Client netspeed is 10000
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:735][872]LogNet: Join request: /Game/Maps/MainMenu?SplitscreenCount=1
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:735][872]LogGameMode: Warning - PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating
[2015.02.01-22.55.11:738][872]LogNet: Join succeeded: 256
Here is what the client logged:
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:557][915]LogPackageName: SearchForPackageOnDisk took 0.047s to resolve Lobby.umap
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:558][915]AlphaGameInstance: ConnectToHostLobby >> Connecting to host.
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:558][915]LogNet: Browse:
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:559][915]LogInit: WinSock: Socket queue 32768 / 32768
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:561][915]LogInit: WinSock: I am MJLaukala-PC (
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:561][915]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 10000
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:624][924]LogNet: Welcomed by server (Level: /Game/Maps/Lobby, Game: /Script/Alpha.AlphaGameMode_Lobby)
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:632][924]LogLoad: LoadMap:
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:638][924]LogParticles: Destroying 0 GPU particle simulations for FXSystem 0x0000000013677740
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:643][924]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:643][924]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 317.98 MB used, 325.97 MB peak
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:644][924]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 280.28 MB used, 288.93 MB peak
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:645][924]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 7113.21 MB used, 16289.01 MB total
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:645][924]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 700.42 MB used, 8388608.00 MB total
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:646][924]Allocator Stats for TBB: (not implemented)
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:687][924]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/Lobby.Lobby up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2015.02.01-14.59.57
[2015.02.01-22.59.57:687][924]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.000717
I think what would be be most helpful is a tutorial or example strictly dedicated multiplayer networking. The shooter example is great but I can’t follow exactly what is going on because it’s so cluttered with everything else that I don’t understand.