I have a Anim Node Reference in the AnimGraph (screen 1). It is called both in the AnimGraph and in the EventGraph (screen 2, I’ll attach as a separate message). I want to rewrite the EventGraph from BP to C++ code, but I don’t understand how I can call this Anim Node Reference from the code. The Anim Node Reference has a Tag OffsetRoot.
Has anyone done this before?
Set on its declaration: FAnimNodeReference OffsetRootNode{AnimInstance, YourRefNode}, that may compile.
In case you get any error when opening your engine, that’s because your anim instance is not inicialized yet, so you can turn that arround seting your OffsetRootNode onNativeInitializeAnimation, simple:
And no, I’m not modifying this Node in the code. I just wanted to know if there was a more humane solution.
Apparently, the current solution is enough.
Thanks to everyone for the help)