How to avoid this "popping" of small/medium static meshes?

Hi all,

I’m facing a quite unconfortable issue. When I move fast in front of an ‘occluder’ mesh and some objects become visible, they pop up visibly, even leaving the light and bloom passtrhough.

This happens with baked lighting and with Lumen too (more accentuated, because of the lower framerate, I suppose):

The wood are independent planks, with a thic (black-shadowed) wall behind.

I have tried disabling some culling cvars, forcing all lods to 0, but still happens. Would you have any ideas about what can cause it and/or how to prevent it?

Thank you very much!

Does increasing the bounds on the static meshes help at all?

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Oh, wow, I dindn’t remember bounds scale already. It seems to work much more better now, thank you very much @ZacD !!

If anyone has the same problem, I needed to increase the bounds scale even to 50 in some punctual far (at the end of a corridor) and “small” (a wall of 3mx3m) meshes. But usually it will do the job with 2-5 scale.

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